the holistic woman’s guide to

Cultivating Conscious Living

for a more confident, graceful and joyful life

Sharing a balanced approach to wellness that is refreshing, grounding and sustainable.


Healthy living is about so much more than the food we eat.

Our thoughtful wellness resources and personalized approach equips women to pursue their health journey holistically - so you can flourish in every season.

Image with all healthy drinks this blog will talk about: Matcha, Mushroom Magic, Hydration Booster, Magic Magnesium, Lemon Lime Collagen and Tart Cherry Juice.

Enhance Your Beverages: Healthy Drinks for Energy

Whether you are getting out the door in the morning or enjoying a moment of calm and peace, enhancing your beverages is a fun way to nourish your body with minimal effort. With a few simple additions, you can prioritize your health and energy throughout the day with these healthy drinks for energy. When your […]


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5 Ways to Support Your Adrenals After Baby | Flourish Blog

5 Ways to Support Your Adrenal Health Postpartum

Oh mama, you created a baby. Through the tears of exhaustion and getting to know your new body, let that sink in for a moment. Pause, breathe and relish in the miracle you created.  The postpartum season is a beautiful juxtaposition—beautiful because of the miracle baby you get to snuggle but also difficult as the […]

Adrenal Fatigue

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Natural Remedies for Anxious Thoughts

Just about every day, I get messages in my inbox along the lines of “I want to get off my anti-anxiety medicine, what can you recommend for a natural alternative?” Well I am NOT a doctor, so I cannot give you medical advice, but I can say 1000% have hope.  Medication can be life changing […]


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Free Resources To Help You Flourish


FRESH            GARDEN

from the

Reset Your Nervous System

30 quick and easy ways to regulate your nervous system in real-life moments.

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Holistic Sleep Guide

Learn how to get better sleep at night with essential tips for deep, restorative sleep .

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Discover Care Rituals

31 free + simple ideas to keep you calm + vibrant even during seasons of stress

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Holistic Children’s Health Guide

Natural remedies for every day illnesses

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Sunday Prep Checklist

a roadmap to approaching each week with purpose, peace and productivity

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Encouraging the whole woman

Pursuing optimal health takes into account the whole woman—her history, her uniqueness, her lifestyle. A holistic approach discovers the root cause rather than merely treating the symptoms, and aspires to long term health and vitality.

to cultivate conscious living

Being intentional is a series of consistent yet imperfect acts. What we put on our bodies and allow into our homes is just as important as what we put in our bodies.

in each unique season.

Each of us are uniquely and wonderfully made. Our stories and seasons, although they look different, bring beauty and character into the world. Let’s celebrate women in their season of growth and vibrancy and encourage women in their season of struggle and despair.


I’m Caroline

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (aka holistic nutritionist). wife + mama. wearer of many hats. creative entrepreneur. pursuer of beauty. chocolate lover. believer in saying ‘no.’

“Healthy living” always seems to come with more complications and questions than answers. As someone who has continued to fight through two autoimmune disorders, I get the desire and the belief that there has to be a better way - that we don’t have to tolerate hustle, restriction or grind through our daily existence, but genuinely flourish. Here you’ll find an imperfect, practical and fun roadmap to conscious living - one that embraces who you are as a whole woman. Together, we’re cultivating conscious living one ritual, one moment, one day at time. 

meet the team

“You are worth the quiet moment. You are worth the deeper breath. You are worth the time it takes to SLOW DOWN, BE STILL AND REST."

morgan harper nichols




Natural Dry Shampoo


Lemon Lime Collagen


Mushroom Magic

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Holistic workshops to take you from inspiration to transformation.

Our signature courses give you the science you need to know and a practical roadmap to help you personalize your wellness needs. Each course is beautifully designed with one goal in mind: lasting impact in every aspect of your life—your health, energy, family, business and daily joy. 

Lead by Caroline Potter, FNTP

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Natural remedies meet modern living

browse the apothecary

In Full Bloom is a digital journal encouraging you to thrive, not just survive, and find joy in nourishing your whole self—mind, body and soul. Imagine we were sipping iced matcha lattes together and catching up like lifelong friends. Let's cultivate conscious living together.

Always in my inbox with a reminder I need in the moment. Thank you for your words!


Your weekly dose of encouragement, holistic health, and intentional shifts to ease into your week.